Ulster Clay Pigeon Shooting Association
The National Governing body for clay target shooting in Northern Ireland
ABT news
With the Home International being held in Omagh we hope a few new shooters will give this discipline a try this year, you will be made very welcome. The entry conditions are,; Entries before 11am, Grounds may operate a random draw, Grounds may take telephone entries (check with the ground) At the discretion of the Grounds entries may be put through before 11, Also at the discretion of the Ground later entries may be taken. Omagh will be open to take entries earlier and also after 11 running on three layouts. Dungannon and Logues Hill still propose entry before 11 with a random draw. Thatch with just one layout will take telephone entries for first two squads and open entries on the ground after that. Finally for selection to the Northern Ireland team you will be required to count 5 scores (maximum 2 from any UCPSA ground, or 2 external scores ) (external scores to be returned within 7 days to the secretary) Also the categories of Ladies, Junior, Veteran and Super veteran, the top three take their team place but any lower placed may transfer to the Senior team if their scores so allow.